2 Dec 2010

After having such fun chatting on 5FM with Simon Dingle and Grant Nash, I got this email from Roxanne of Live inc.

Hi Telana

My sister Joni and I just heard you on 5fm, we are interested in making a trade with you...

Two Civil Twilight tix for the gig in Pretoria on the 22nd Dec 2010 for two t-shirts.

Let us know if you find this suitable as we from Live incorporated would love to support your cause.

Live inc are an interesting company, in that they specialise in marketing fine wines and in taking all the hassle out of booking live bands. They are all about helping people and making things happen – and I believe them because now they are trading concert tickets for T-shirts! :)

Civil Twilight originally came from Cape Town before they made it big and became international, and moved to America (South African music rocks!). Their music has been on TV, on the "Sarah Connor Chronicles", "House" and "one tree hill" and they were also in the music complication CD "NOW 55'. I'm a fan of them, especially their song "Letters From The Sky" – here's a live recording of it from Chicago:

Civil Twilight are taking a break from their North American tour, and are coming to Pretoria for a one off concert on 22 December 2010 at 19:00! Their support acts are the awesome Wrestlerish - Werner Olckers and Dance, you're on fire! The concert is taking place at Stone Cradle, Rietvlei Pretoria.

And best of all Roxanne has offered me two VIP Tickets to this gig! VIP gets you golden circle access, plus you can mingle with other VIP’s in the bar and dining areas and the massive balcony that wraps around the venue!

So- who wants these 2 VIP Tickets?

I'm quite tempted to trade with myself (if that's possible?!) and take them up myself, so be quick before I change my mind! It'll cost you just R407 to pay for the two Springleap T-shirts that Roxanne wants in exchange for the two VIP Tickets (worth R440!)

Call me on 0837302979 if you want to trade with Roxanne and I in this three-way trade!

  • You'll get two VIP Tickets to this gig for R407
  • Roxanne will get 2 T-shirts!
  • I'll have traded another 2 of my T-shirts

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