13 Jan 2011

Did you know that Facebook is the most visited site in the world, overtaking google?

Do you use it as effectively as you could? Or does it just frustrate you and you cant see what all the fuss is about? And what about that other one called twitter?

Or do you know someone who would like to improve their social media knowledge, and you don't have the inclination or time to show them?

Well… Adin van Ryneveld to the rescue!

Adin and I at TRUTH Coffee in Cape Town

Adin is the No Money Guy, and he has offered me an hours worth of top notch Social Media consulting in exchange for one of my Springleap T-shirts.

He's living without money for 5 years by bartering, exchanging, gifting and with the help of sponsors- he's even giving his right arm to live without money! Se-ri-ous-ly! And his main means of doing all this is through social media.

So here is a great chance to boost your own social media skills on the platforms of Facebook, Twitter, and YouTube, with your own personal consultant, aka Adin, to guide you around and show you all the shortcuts and nifty applications that make it all easier. He’ll also share some tips on keeping your followers engaged and broadening your reach and influence on these social networks, for either your personal or business needs.

So if you are keen, or know someone who would benefit from an hour to two or three of this consulting, then CALL ME! 0837302979. It'll cost you just R219 for one hour of expert advice! And if you want another hour, it'll just be another R219!

So, contact me and become a whiz at Social Media, especially Facebook, the worlds most visited website!

  • You'll get 1 hour of social media consulting for R219
  • Adin will get a new T-shirt to add to his sparse wardrobe
  • I'll have another T-shirt traded!

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