2 Jan 2016

** NOTE: The updates list is now on the new onematchstick website here. **

As I am working on my "business plan" for the onematchstick office, so I am coming across some great resources about all things related to startups, entrepreneurship, managing and leadership, and selling!  

If you'd like to follow my research and explore these tools, trainings, and articles too, the best way is to follow me on Twitter - @Telana or my new website for onematchstick here: www.onematchstick.co.za

Here I'll be listing some of the online trainings that I have found about startups, for you to enjoy too!


300 Best Tools And Resources For Entrepreneurs

Alejandro Cremades got in touch with me. He's an internationally recognized startup coach and founder of the venture backed company Onevest/CoFoundersLab, which he sold in 2018 in a multi-million dollar transaction. He is also the author of "The Art of Startup Fundraising" and host the "DealMakers" podcast.

He has a thorough list of 300 resources and tools that us entrepreneurs, and startup's will find useful.

Check out the lists here.


How to Start a Startup

A series of 20 free video lectures covering everything about how to start a startup, by Sam Altman.

Check out the videos here.

The Essential Guide to Entrepreneurship by Guy Kawasaki

In this Udemy course Guy Kawasaki shares his 30 years of experience with budding entrepreneurs on how to build a business and brand that will attract investors and a following.  It's about mastering "the essential steps for creating your own company".

Check out the course here.

(Hear my interview with Guy here)


This site helps people build successful businesses.  It has a list of many courses, which teach you step-by-step for beginners with not experience wanting to build a profitable business, and also for those more established entrepreneurs wanting to go the next level with their business.

Check out the list of their free courses here. They're amazing! ;)

5 + 1 Tips for raising early stage capital by Guy Kawasaki

In my learning about how to pitch my ideas for onematchstick, I came across these few short videos with a great outline of the key information investors would like to know.
Here they are.


How to build a winning Brand Positioning Statement

This was one of the better documents I found on developing a brand, with great infographics.  Explore it here.

Steve Blanks Startup Tools

I attended a lecture about Startups at GIBS by Bob Dorf.  Bob, together with his co-author Steve Blank, wrote "The Startup Owners Manual".  

At the great talk, Bob mentioned this extensive list of tools for startup entrepreneurs on Steve's website. The list covers links to books, courses, open source software, website development info, market research tools,  Finance 101 for Entrepreneurs, and all sorts of starting and running startups' advice.  There is also a lot of useful information about the Lean Startup method, and videos on the Lean LaunchPad. Find the full list here.

Investec's Startup School

This Startup School looks like it will add value to our South African entrepreneur scene – it’s a 12 week online training to take startups from idea creation to final business plan ready to pitch for funding!

It is also linking the startups to Mentors – and so seeking mentors too! 

Check it out here.

Venture Capital 4 Africa's Startup Academy

This academy has an online course covering how to start your business, then grow it, and also finance it and it is available in 4 languages.  

Their content is from the expertise of 35 experts who share what is proven to work for entrepreneurs in Africa.  There are quizzes after each section, and you can get a certificate.  

Their network also gives you access to mentors and investors.

Sign up here.

The 14 Day Entrepreneurs Challenge

York Zucchi has created a free online course to help entrepreneurs connect to the fundamentals that motivate them, so that they have direction and balance in being entrepreneurial.  As the challenge is described:

This is a seemingly easy to do 14 days course comprised of daily thought challenges designed to help you remember why you started your entrepreneurial journey, help you find your balance and give you a sense of direction. There is no pass or fail in this course. These are easy exercises you can do over a nice coffee that will help you in this crazy rollercoaster that is entrepreneurship.


Sign up for York's challenge here. 

York's also got a 14 day challenge for Startups: Sign up for this one here.


More to come soon, as I find them, so keep checking this page (or my tweets)!  And let's start some startups!

One Response so far.

  1. Jarrod says:

    Thanks for sharing, these videos are very comprehensive and informative.

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