4 May 2009

Nikita Ramkissoon waved me down at the last 27 dinner after I gave my 270 second talk on onematchstick, and she asked me lots of questions, scribbling down some notes on a white paper serviette... the same kind of white paper serviette that Magician Marcel used to make a sweet smelling rose for me- not sure how he got the white paper serviette to smell like a rose- but it did! Must be magic.

I asked Nikita if she pokens, but she doesn't poken... yet... so I gave her my matchstick business card instead. Maybe next time I see her I'll give her a fridge magnet.

Today I got an email from Nikita with a link to the Wits Vuvuzela- the Wits Newspaper. She used 2494 characters to tell the tale so far of onematchstick. Being a graduate of Wits, I'm quite chuffed to have found my way into their paper.

She says

Can a matchstick be exchanged for an office? One Johannesburg woman seems to think so. In fact, she's in the process of doing so right now.
And yip- she is so right! I'm in the process right now. Processing along.

You can read the great article here.

Thanks Nikita! And by the way, Rod says hi too, and he hopes to get some road trip invites soon!

One Response so far.

  1. Anonymous says:

    Hi Telana, thanks for the mention!

    LOL, I only saw it now :)

    Congratulations on winning your own corporate video : may it help you achieve your wildest dreams!

    Best wishes,
    - Marcel

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