29 Apr 2009

There has been so much talk of "parties" lately.

There have been discussions about left wing parties, right wing parties, and all political parties in between with the South African Elections last week.

There's even been editing to advertisements to protect the innocent parties involved.

And there have been more questions to me about the Party of the Century.

But no confirmed offers yet... just rumours...

So to satisfy those who may have the same questions on their minds: the 'Party of the Century' is still going to happen. It's just looking for a Candidate to demand to change their offer for the Party with DJ Al your Pal! I'll be voting for the best offer, but will not be auctioning off my right to chose, like this guy tried!

I'm off now to think up a costume for the "emergency room" party this Saturday night that I'm attending! Any suggestions?

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