20 Dec 2010

So here I am a few weeks after setting a record for Africa at the SWARM Party, and my calculations leave me with 160 Springleap T-shirts left to exchange with 160 more people, to finish my tenth trade.

My ability to create ways to reach more people who will trade with me keeps getting stretched beyond my belief. And somehow I keep expanding boundaries that are self imposed and those imposed by others and society, and now I have a few more ideas that I'm planning already.

After all, if I believe that everything is negotiable, and that anything is possible, it's just a matter of time and energy being invested into finding the possible ways and making the necessary negotiations.

Plus I keep daring myself to challenge my comfort zones, and my status quo! An example to this end is I finished my negotiations with the rockstars at Drifters Adventure Centre, and bartered for a pair of fantastic new rock climbing shoes!

I've already tested out my new rock climbing shoes from Drifers Adventure Centre

Then today a friend points me in the direction of this Adidas advert with Muhammed Ali- and the words ring so true for me as a few more dots are joined. The dots being: adventure – daring – potential – belief – our own power.

(link to youtube video here)

As Adidas says:

Impossible is just a big word thrown around by small men who find it easier to
live in the world they've been given than to explore the power they have to
change it. Impossible is not a fact. It is an opinion. Impossible is not a
declaration. It's a dare. Impossible is potential. Impossible is temporary.

Impossible is nothing.

So a big thank you to Drifters Adventure Centre for not only being the specialist they are in all outdoors and adventure gear, but also living the adventurous part by engaging with me so that I could challenge what others were saying about what's possible and what's not. Their seeing value in bartering with me helped me stretch a boundary again, and step once more into believing that impossible is nothing.

Oh- and now I have no excuse to not go rock climbing more often, and so to yet again continue in another way to exercise my belief in my own personal power to climb what seems like impossible walls of rock in front of me, to reach new heights!

Yeah! :)

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